Review: Urban Decay ‘Naked’ Palette

Urban Decay ‘Naked’ Palette @Sephora
Purchase Price = $44 (not including tax)
Original Price = $44 (the price has since increased to $48)

I am definitely not a ‘product junkie’.  Having too much makeup is overwhelming for me and my daily routine doesn’t vary much – a bit of concealer, loose mineral finishing powder, neutral eyeshadow, mascara, and just a touch of lip butter/balm.  I don’t buy makeup often, aside from re-plenishing my essentials, but when I missed the boat on this pretty palette not once but twice, I knew I had to get my name on the email list so that I would be notified when it was back in stock.  When I got that email at the beginning of the month, I didn’t hesitate for even a second before placing my order.  Sure enough, it has sold out once again but you can be notified via email when more become available by signing up here.

It’s been a couple of weeks now since I received my order and I am so happy with this purchase.  The palette was actually much larger than I had anticipated and the eyeshadows are just gorgeous.  If you are looking for an eyeshadow palette featuring neutral shades, I highly recommend this one!  I’ve been having so much fun combining the different shades to create new looks daily.  A few of the shades have a matte finish, many have a shimmery/metallic finish, and a couple have more of a glittery finish (those ones can be a little messy if you’re not careful when applying).  Although I don’t use eyeliner often, I love that this set also comes with a double ended pencil featuring black and brown shades.  And, if you haven’t already tried Urban Decay’s ‘Eye Primer Potion’ you simply must.  My skin gets a little greasy as the day wears on and this is the only primer that prevents my eyeshadow from creasing.  I use it daily and already have a full sized version so I tossed the little travel sized tube that came with the palette into the small cosmetics case I carry in my purse.

What are some of your go-to makeup products?

January Shopping Update

Urban Decay ‘Naked’ Palette
(source:  Sephora)

It’s back!  The Urban Decay Naked Palette is back in stock at Sephora but probably not for long so if you’ve missed out the last couple of times it was available, hurry up and order.  This palette features 12 eyeshadows and comes with a double ended liner pencil (black & brown) as well as a travel sized Eyeshadow Primer Potion, which I discovered several months ago and now swear by to keep my eyeshadow from creasing.  I’ve missed this twice already and finally added my name to the email list so that I would be notified when it was back in stock.  I got that email today right after lunch and ordered without thinking twice.  I also picked up this lip butter in Quince.  I’m obsessed.  Super moisturizing with a hint of color.  I hate lipsticks so these are perfect when I want just a touch of color and I already own the Pomegranate, Plum, Mango, Jasmine, and Guava lip butters.

I know it’s only the Jan 4th but I think 2011 is off to a great start so far (minus the nasty cold that half of my office has come down with, including me..yuck) and I have alot to share today.  A new month means a clean slate when it comes to my shopping budget and I always get a little overexcited with shopping/spending at the beginning of the month.  There are still some great post-holiday sales happening and I’ve picked up several items in the last couple of days.

First, I grabbed these candles at Bath & Body Works yesterday.  There’s a huge sale going on right now and these were on sale for $4.75 each (originally $9.50).  I love all of the autumn and holiday scents and both of these smelled delightful!  The sale price online isn’t the same as what I paid but if you’re interested, buy them here and here.

Next, I found this skirt while browsing the clearance racks at Target.  It was on sale for $13.48 (originally $26.99) and I thought it would be a great holiday skirt to add to my collection.  The best part?  When I brought it up to the register it rang up for..wait for it..$6.74!!!  If you live near a Target, it’s worth a trip to see if the store has this skirt in stock since it’s still retailing for full price on the website.

Finally, the VS Semi-Annual Sale started in-stores today so I stopped at the mall during my lunch break.  I grabbed a couple pairs of undies (my fav collection right now is ‘The Nakeds’..sooo comfy!) and this sparkly cardigan, which I couldn’t find a link for.  It was $19.99 (originally $48).  Unfortunately, I’m going to be returning this one.  I didn’t anticipate spending money at Sephora shortly after and even though it’s a very pretty sweater, I’d have to carry around a lint roller every time I wear it because I had gray fuzzies all over my clothes after trying it on.

So, my January spending is currently at $89.15 (including tax).  It’s been 4 days and I’ve already spent nearly half of my $200 budget!  Yikes.  Luckily, I have a few gift cards and store credits that I can use if I continue to feel the urge to shop as the month goes on.  For those of you who also limit your monthly spending, feel free to comment below with tips on how you stick to your budget.  I’d love to hear your ideas!  : )